Source code for ndsampler.category_tree

Extends the :class:`CategoryTree` class in the :mod:`kwcoco.category_tree`
module with torch methods for computing hierarchical losses / decisions.

Notes from YOLO-9000:
    * perform multiple softmax operations over co-hyponyms
    * we compute the softmax over all sysnsets that are hyponyms of the same concept

    synsets - sets of synonyms (word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another)

    hyponymn - a word of more specific meaning than a general or
        superordinate term applicable to it. For example, spoon is a
        hyponym of cutlery.
import kwarray
import functools
import networkx as nx
import ubelt as ub
# import torch
# import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
from kwcoco import CategoryTree as KWCOCO_CategoryTree  # raw category tree

__all__ = ['CategoryTree']

class Mixin_CategoryTree_Torch:
    Mixin methods for CategoryTree that specifically relate to computing
    normalized probabilities.

    def conditional_log_softmax(self, class_energy, dim):
        Computes conditional log probabilities of each class in the category tree

            class_energy (Tensor): raw values output by final network layer
            dim (int): dimension where each index corresponds to a class

            >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch)
            >>> import torch
            >>> from ndsampler.category_tree import *
            >>> graph = nx.generators.gnr_graph(30, 0.3, seed=321).reverse()
            >>> self = CategoryTree(graph)
            >>> class_energy = torch.randn(64, len(self.idx_to_node))
            >>> cond_logprobs = self.conditional_log_softmax(class_energy, dim=1)
            >>> # The sum of the conditional probabilities should be
            >>> # equal to the number of sibling groups.
            >>> cond_probs = torch.exp(cond_logprobs).numpy()
            >>> assert np.allclose(cond_probs.sum(axis=1), len(self.idx_groups))
        import torch
        import torch.nn.functional as F
        cond_logprobs = torch.empty_like(class_energy)
        if class_energy.numel() == 0:
            return cond_logprobs
        # Move indexes onto the class_energy device (perhaps precache this)
        index_groups = [torch.LongTensor(idxs).to(class_energy.device)
                        for idxs in self.idx_groups]
        # Note: benchmarks for implementation choices are in ndsampler/dev
        # The index_select/index_copy_ solution is faster than fancy indexing
        for index in index_groups:
            # Take each subset of classes that are mutually exclusive
            energy_group = torch.index_select(class_energy, dim=dim, index=index)
            # Then apply the log_softmax to those sets
            logprob_group = F.log_softmax(energy_group, dim=dim)
            cond_logprobs.index_copy_(dim, index, logprob_group)
        return cond_logprobs

    def _apply_logit_chain_rule(self, cond_logprobs, dim):
        Incorrect name for backwards compatibility
        import warnings
            'Use _apply_logit_chain_rule is incorrectly named '
            'and deprecated use _apply_logprob_chain_rule instead',
        return self._apply_logprob_chain_rule(cond_logprobs, dim)

    def _apply_logprob_chain_rule(self, cond_logprobs, dim):
        Applies the probability chain rule (in log space, which has better
        numerical properties) to a set of conditional probabilities (wrt this
        hierarchy) to achieve absolute probabilities for each node.

            cond_logprobs (Tensor): conditional log probabilities for each class
            dim (int): dimension where each index corresponds to a class

            Probability chain rule:
                P(node) = P(node | parent) * P(parent)

            Log-Probability chain rule:
                log(P(node)) = log(P(node | parent)) + log(P(parent))
        import torch
        # The dynamic program was faster on the CPU in a dummy test case
        memo = {}

        def log_prob(node, memo=memo):
            """ dynamic program to compute absolute class log probability """
            if node in memo:
                return memo[node]
            logp_node_given_parent =, self.node_to_idx[node])
            parents = list(self.graph.predecessors(node))
            if len(parents) == 0:
                logp_node = logp_node_given_parent
            elif len(parents) == 1:
                # log(P(node)) = log(P(node | parent)) + log(P(parent))
                logp_node = logp_node_given_parent + log_prob(parents[0])
                raise AssertionError('not a tree')
            memo[node] = logp_node
            return logp_node

        class_logprobs = torch.empty_like(cond_logprobs)
        if cond_logprobs.numel() > 0:
            for idx, node in enumerate(self.idx_to_node):
                # Note: the this is the bottleneck in this function
                if True:
          , idx)[:] = log_prob(node)
                    result = log_prob(node)  # 50% of the time
                    _dest =, idx)  # 8% of the time
                    _dest[:] = result  # 37% of the time
        return class_logprobs

    def source_log_softmax(self, class_energy, dim):
        Top-down hierarchical softmax. This is the default
        hierarchical_log_softmax function.

        Alternative to `sink_log_softmax`

            * sink_log_softmax
            * hierarchical_log_softmax (alias for this function)
            * source_log_softmax (this function)

        Converts raw class energy to absolute log probabilites based on the
        category hierarchy. This is done by first converting to conditional
        log probabilities and then applying the probability chain rule (in log
        space, which has better numerical properties).

            class_energy (Tensor): raw output from network. The values in
                `class_energy[..., idx]` should correspond to the network
                activations for the hierarchical class `self.idx_to_node[idx]`
            dim (int): dimension corresponding to classes (usually 1)

            >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch)
            >>> import torch
            >>> from ndsampler.category_tree import *
            >>> graph = nx.generators.gnr_graph(20, 0.3, seed=328).reverse()
            >>> self = CategoryTree(graph)
            >>> class_energy = torch.randn(3, len(self.idx_to_node))
            >>> class_logprobs = self.hierarchical_log_softmax(class_energy, dim=-1)
            >>> class_probs = torch.exp(class_logprobs)
            >>> for node, idx in self.node_to_idx.items():
            ...     # Check the total children probabilities
            ...     # is equal to the parent probablity.
            ...     children = list(self.graph.successors(node))
            ...     child_idxs = [self.node_to_idx[c] for c in children]
            ...     if len(child_idxs) > 0:
            ...         child_sum = class_probs[..., child_idxs].sum(dim=1)
            ...         p_node = class_probs[..., idx]
            ...         torch.allclose(child_sum, p_node)
        if dim < 0:
            dim = dim % class_energy.ndimension()
        cond_logprobs = self.conditional_log_softmax(class_energy, dim=dim)
        class_logprobs = self._apply_logprob_chain_rule(cond_logprobs, dim=dim)
        return class_logprobs

    def sink_log_softmax(self, class_energy, dim):
        Bottom-up hierarchical softmax.

        Alternative to `source_log_softmax`

            * sink_log_softmax (this function)
            * hierarchical_log_softmax (alias for source log softmax)
            * source_log_softmax

        Does a regular softmax over all the mutually exclusive leaf nodes, then
        sums their probabilities to get the score for the parent nodes.

            In this method of computation ONLY the energy in the leaf nodes
            matters. The energy in all other intermediate notes is ignored.
            For this reason the "source" method of computation is often

            class_energy (Tensor): raw output from network. The values in
                `class_energy[..., idx]` should correspond to the network
                activations for the hierarchical class `self.idx_to_node[idx]`
            dim (int): dimension corresponding to classes (usually 1)

            >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch)
            >>> import torch
            >>> from ndsampler.category_tree import *
            >>> graph = nx.generators.gnr_graph(20, 0.3, seed=328).reverse()
            >>> self = CategoryTree(graph)
            >>> class_energy = torch.randn(3, len(self.idx_to_node))
            >>> class_logprobs = self.hierarchical_log_softmax(class_energy, dim=1)
            >>> class_probs = torch.exp(class_logprobs)
            >>> for node, idx in self.node_to_idx.items():
            ...     # Check the total children probabilities
            ...     # is equal to the parent probablity.
            ...     children = list(self.graph.successors(node))
            ...     child_idxs = [self.node_to_idx[c] for c in children]
            ...     if len(child_idxs) > 0:
            ...         child_sum = class_probs[..., child_idxs].sum(dim=1)
            ...         p_node = class_probs[..., idx]
            ...         torch.allclose(child_sum, p_node)

            >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch)
            >>> import torch
            >>> class_logprobs1 = self.sink_log_softmax(class_energy, dim=1)
            >>> class_logprobs2 = self.source_log_softmax(class_energy, dim=1)
            >>> class_probs1 = torch.exp(class_logprobs1)
            >>> class_probs2 = torch.exp(class_logprobs2)
        import torch
        import torch.nn.functional as F
        class_logprobs = torch.empty_like(class_energy)
        leaf_idxs = sorted(self.node_to_idx[node]
                           for node in sink_nodes(self.graph))
        leaf_idxs = torch.LongTensor(leaf_idxs).to(class_energy.device)

        leaf_energy = torch.index_select(class_energy, dim=dim,
        leaf_logprobs = F.log_softmax(leaf_energy, dim=dim)
        class_logprobs.index_copy_(dim, leaf_idxs, leaf_logprobs)

        def populate2(node):
            """ dynamic program to compute absolute class log probability """
            children = list(self.graph.successors(node))
            if len(children) > 0:
                # Ensure that all children are populated before the parents
                for child in children:
                child_idxs = sorted(self.node_to_idx[node] for node in children)
                child_idxs = torch.LongTensor(child_idxs).to(class_energy.device)
                node_idx = self.node_to_idx[node]
                selected = torch.index_select(class_logprobs, dim=dim,
                total = torch.logsumexp(selected, dim=dim)  # sum in logspace
      , node_idx)[:] = total

        for node in self.graph.nodes():
        return class_logprobs

    # TODO: Need to figure out the best way to parametarize which
    # of the source or sink softmaxes will be used by a network
    hierarchical_log_softmax = source_log_softmax
    # hierarchical_log_softmax = sink_log_softmax

    def hierarchical_softmax(self, class_energy, dim):
        """ Convinience method which converts class-energy to final probs """
        import torch
        class_logprobs = self.hierarchical_log_softmax(class_energy, dim)
        class_probs = torch.exp(class_logprobs)
        return class_probs

    def graph_log_softmax(self, class_energy, dim):
        """ Convinience method which converts class-energy to logprobs """
        class_logprobs = self.hierarchical_log_softmax(class_energy, dim)
        return class_logprobs

    def graph_softmax(self, class_energy, dim):
        """ Convinience method which converts class-energy to final probs """
        import torch
        class_logprobs = self.hierarchical_log_softmax(class_energy, dim)
        class_probs = torch.exp(class_logprobs)
        return class_probs

    def hierarchical_cross_entropy(self, class_energy, targets,
        Combines hierarchical_log_softmax and nll_loss in a single function
        import torch.nn.functional as F
        class_logprobs = self.hierarchical_log_softmax(class_energy, dim=1)
        loss = F.nll_loss(class_logprobs, targets, reduction=reduction)
        return loss

    def hierarchical_nll_loss(self, class_logprobs, targets):
        Given predicted hierarchical class log-probabilities and target vectors
        indicating the finest-grained known target class, compute the loss such
        that only errors on coarser levels of the hierarchy are considered.
        To quote from YOLO-9000:
            > For example, if the label is “dog” we do assign any error to
            > predictions further down in the tree, “German Shepherd” versus
            > “Golden Retriever”, because we do not have that information.

        Note that all the hard word needed to consider all coarser classes and
        ignore all finer grained classes is done in the computation of
        `class_logprobs`. Given these and targets specified at the finest known
        category for each target (which might be very coarse), we can simply
        use regular nll_loss and everything will work out.

        This is because the class logprobs have already been computed using
        information from all conditional probabilities computed at itself and
        at each ancestor in the tree, and these conditional probabilities were
        computed with respect to all siblings at a given level, so the class
        logprobs exactly contain the relevant information. In other words as long
        as the log probabilities are computed correctly, then the nothing
        special needs to happen when computing the loss.

            class_logprobs (Tensor): log probabilities for each class
            targets (Tensor): true class for each example

            >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch)
            >>> import torch
            >>> from ndsampler.category_tree import *
            >>> graph = nx.from_dict_of_lists({
            >>>     'background': [],
            >>>     'mineral': ['granite', 'quartz'],
            >>>     'animal': ['dog', 'cat'],
            >>>     'dog': ['boxer', 'beagle']
            >>> }, nx.DiGraph)
            >>> self = CategoryTree(graph)
            >>> target_nodes = ['boxer', 'dog', 'quartz', 'animal', 'background']
            >>> targets = torch.LongTensor([self.node_to_idx[n] for n in target_nodes])
            >>> class_energy = torch.randn(len(targets), len(self), requires_grad=True)
            >>> class_logprobs = self.hierarchical_log_softmax(class_energy, dim=-1)
            >>> loss = self.hierarchical_nll_loss(class_logprobs, targets)
            >>> # Note that only the relevant classes (wrt to the target) for
            >>> # each batch item receive gradients
            >>> loss.backward()
            >>> is_relevant = (class_energy.grad.abs() > 0).numpy()
            >>> print('target -> relevant')
            >>> print('------------------')
            >>> for bx, idx in enumerate(targets.tolist()):
            ...     target_node = self.idx_to_node[idx]
            ...     relevant_nodes = list(ub.take(self.idx_to_node, np.where(is_relevant[bx])[0]))
            ...     print('{} -> {}'.format(target_node, relevant_nodes))
            target -> relevant
            boxer -> ['animal', 'background', 'beagle', 'boxer', 'cat', 'dog', 'mineral']
            dog -> ['animal', 'background', 'cat', 'dog', 'mineral']
            quartz -> ['animal', 'background', 'granite', 'mineral', 'quartz']
            animal -> ['animal', 'background', 'mineral']
            background -> ['animal', 'background', 'mineral']
        import torch.nn.functional as F
        loss = F.nll_loss(class_logprobs, targets)
        return loss

    def _prob_decision(self, class_probs, dim, thresh=0.1):
        Chooses the finest-grained category based on raw prob threshold

            thresh (float): only make a more fine-grained decision if
                its probability is above this threshold. This number should
                be set relatively low to encourage smoothness in the
                detectio metrics.

            >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch)
            >>> import torch
            >>> from ndsampler.category_tree import *
            >>> import torch
            >>> from ndsampler import category_tree
            >>> self = category_tree.CategoryTree.demo('btree', r=3, h=4)
            >>> class_energy = torch.randn(33, len(self))
            >>> class_logprobs = self.hierarchical_log_softmax(class_energy, dim=-1)
            >>> class_probs = torch.exp(class_logprobs).numpy()
            >>> dim = 1
            >>> thresh = 0.3
            >>> pred_idxs, pred_conf = self.decision(class_probs, dim, thresh=thresh)
            >>> pred_cnames = list(ub.take(self.idx_to_node, pred_idxs))
        import kwarray
        impl = kwarray.ArrayAPI.impl(class_probs)

        sources = list(source_nodes(self.graph))
        other_dims = sorted(set(range(len(class_probs.shape))) - {dim})

        # Rearange probs so the class dimension is at the end
        # flat_class_probs = class_probs.transpose(*other_dims + [dim]).reshape(-1, class_probs.shape[dim])
        flat_class_probs = impl.transpose(class_probs, other_dims + [dim]).reshape(-1, class_probs.shape[dim])
        flat_jdxs = np.arange(flat_class_probs.shape[0])

        def _descend(depth, nodes, jdxs):
            Recursively descend the class tree starting at the coursest level.
            At each level we decide if the items will take a category at this
            level of granulatority or try to take a more fine-grained label.

                depth (int): current depth in the tree
                nodes (list) : set of sibling nodes at a this level
                jdxs (ArrayLike): item indices that made it to this level (note
                    idxs are used for class indices)
            # Look at the probabilities of each node at this level
            idxs = sorted(self.node_to_idx[node] for node in nodes)
            probs = flat_class_probs[jdxs][:, idxs]

            pred_conf, pred_cx = impl.max_argmax(probs, axis=1)
            pred_idxs = np.array(idxs)[pred_cx]

            # Keep desending on items above the threshold
            # TODO: is there a more intelligent way to do this?
            check_children = pred_conf > thresh

            if impl.any(check_children):
                # Check the children of these nodes
                check_jdxs = jdxs[check_children]
                check_idxs = pred_idxs[check_children]
                group_idxs, groupxs = kwarray.group_indices(check_idxs)
                for idx, groupx in zip(group_idxs, groupxs):
                    node = self.idx_to_node[idx]
                    children = list(self.graph.successors(node))
                    if children:
                        sub_jdxs = check_jdxs[groupx]
                        # See if any fine-grained categories also have high
                        # thresholds.
                        sub_idxs, sub_conf = _descend(depth + 1, children,
                        sub_flags = sub_conf > thresh
                        # Overwrite course decisions with confident
                        # fine-grained ones.
                        fine_groupx = groupx[sub_flags]
                        fine_idxs = sub_idxs[sub_flags]
                        fine_conf = sub_conf[sub_flags]
                        pred_conf[fine_groupx] = fine_conf
                        pred_idxs[fine_groupx] = fine_idxs
            return pred_idxs, pred_conf

        nodes = sources
        jdxs = flat_jdxs
        pred_idxs, pred_conf = _descend(0, nodes, jdxs)
        return pred_idxs, pred_conf

    def _demo_probs(self, num=5, rng=0, nonrandom=3, hackargmax=True):
        """ dummy probabilities for testing """
        import torch
        rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng)
        class_energy = torch.FloatTensor(rng.rand(num, len(self)))

        # Setup the first few examples to prefer being classified
        # as a fine grained class to a decreasing degree.
        # The first example is set to have equal energy
        # The i + 2-th example is set to have an extremely high energy.
        start = 0
        nonrandom = min(nonrandom, (num - start))
        if nonrandom > 0:
            path = sorted(ub.take(self.node_to_idx, nx.dag_longest_path(self.graph)))

            class_energy[start] = 1 / len(class_energy[start])
            if hackargmax:
                # HACK: even though we want to test uniform distributions, it makes
                # regression tests difficiult because torch and numpy return a
                # different argmax when the array has more than one max value.
                # add a VERY small epsilon to make max values distinct
                class_energy[start] += torch.linspace(0, .00001, len(class_energy[start]))

            if nonrandom > 1:
                for i in range(nonrandom - 2):
                    class_energy[start + i + 1][path] += 2 ** (i / 4)
                class_energy[start + i + 2][path] += 2 ** 20

        class_probs = self.hierarchical_softmax(class_energy, dim=1)
        return class_probs

    def decision(self, class_probs, dim, thresh=0.5, criterion='gini',
                 ignore_class_idxs=None, always_refine_idxs=None):
        Chooses the finest-grained category based on information gain

            thresh (float): threshold on simplicity ratio.
                Small thresholds are more permissive, i.e. the returned classes
                will often be more fined-grained. Larger thresholds are less
                permissive and prefer coarse-grained classes.

            criterion (str): how to compute information. Either entropy or gini.

            ignore_class_idxs (List[int], optional): if specified this is a list
                of class indices which we are not allowed to predict. We
                will procede as if the graph did not contain these nodes.
                (Useful for getting low-probability detections).

            always_refine_idxs  (List[int], optional):
                if specified this is a list of class indices that we will
                always refine into a more fine-grained class.
                (Useful if you have a dummy root)

            Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: pred_idxs, pred_conf:
                pred_idxs: predicted class indices
                pred_conf: associated confidence

            >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch)
            >>> import torch
            >>> from ndsampler.category_tree import *
            >>> self = CategoryTree.demo('btree', r=3, h=3)
            >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0)
            >>> class_energy = torch.FloatTensor(rng.rand(33, len(self)))
            >>> # Setup the first few examples to prefer being classified
            >>> # as a fine grained class to a decreasing degree.
            >>> # The first example is set to have equal energy
            >>> # The i + 2-th example is set to have an extremely high energy.
            >>> path = sorted(ub.take(self.node_to_idx, nx.dag_longest_path(self.graph)))
            >>> class_energy[0] = 1 / len(class_energy[0])
            >>> for i in range(8):
            >>>     class_energy[i + 1][path] += 2 ** (i / 4)
            >>> class_energy[i + 2][path] += 2 ** 20
            >>> class_logprobs = self.hierarchical_log_softmax(class_energy, dim=-1)
            >>> class_probs = torch.exp(class_logprobs).numpy()
            >>> print(ub.hzcat(['probs = ', ub.urepr(class_probs[:8], precision=2, supress_small=True)]))
            >>> dim = 1
            >>> criterion = 'entropy'
            >>> thresh = 0.40
            >>> pred_idxs, pred_conf = self.decision(class_probs[0:10], dim, thresh=thresh, criterion=criterion)
            >>> print('pred_conf = {!r}'.format(pred_conf))
            >>> print('pred_idxs = {!r}'.format(pred_idxs))
            >>> pred_cnames = list(ub.take(self.idx_to_node, pred_idxs))

            >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch)
            >>> import torch
            >>> from ndsampler.category_tree import *
            >>> self = CategoryTree.demo('btree', r=3, h=3)
            >>> class_probs = self._demo_probs()
            >>> # Test ignore_class_idxs
            >>> self.decision(class_probs, dim=1, ignore_class_idxs=[0])
            >>> # Should not be able to ignore all top level nodes
            >>> import pytest
            >>> with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            >>>     self.decision(class_probs, dim=1, ignore_class_idxs=self.idx_groups[0])
            >>> # But it is OK to ignore all child nodes at a particular level
            >>> self.decision(class_probs, dim=1, ignore_class_idxs=self.idx_groups[1])

            >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch)
            >>> import torch
            >>> from ndsampler.category_tree import *
            >>> self = CategoryTree.demo('btree', r=3, h=3, add_zero=False)
            >>> class_probs = self._demo_probs(num=30, nonrandom=20)
            >>> pred_idxs0, pref_conf0 = self.decision(class_probs, dim=1, always_refine_idxs=[])
            >>> assert 0 in pred_idxs0
            >>> ###
            >>> #print(ub.color_text('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', 'white'))
            >>> pred_idxs1, pref_conf1 = self.decision(class_probs, dim=1, always_refine_idxs=[0])
            >>> #print(ub.color_text('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', 'red'))
            >>> pred_idxs2, pref_conf2 = self.decision(class_probs.numpy(), dim=1, always_refine_idxs=[0])
            >>> assert np.all(pred_idxs1 == pred_idxs2)
            >>> assert 0 not in pred_idxs1

            >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch)
            >>> import torch
            >>> from ndsampler.category_tree import *
            >>> graph = nx.from_dict_of_lists({
            >>>     'a': ['b', 'q'],
            >>>     'b': ['c'],
            >>>     'c': ['d'],
            >>>     'd': ['e', 'f'],
            >>> }, nx.DiGraph)
            >>> self = CategoryTree(graph)
            >>> class_probs = self._demo_probs()
            >>> pred_idxs1, pref_conf1 = self.decision(class_probs, dim=1)
            >>> self = CategoryTree.demo('btree', r=1, h=4, add_zero=False)
            >>> class_probs = self._demo_probs()
            >>> # We should always descend to the finest level if we just have a straight line
            >>> pred_idxs1, pref_conf1 = self.decision(class_probs, dim=1)
            >>> assert np.all(pred_idxs1 == 4)

            >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch)
            >>> import torch
            >>> # FIXME: What do we do in this case?
            >>> # Do we always decend at level A?
            >>> from ndsampler.category_tree import *
            >>> graph = nx.from_dict_of_lists({
            >>>     'a': ['b', 'c'],
            >>> }, nx.DiGraph)
            >>> self = CategoryTree(graph)
            >>> class_probs = self._demo_probs(num=10, nonrandom=8)
            >>> pred_idxs1, pref_conf1 = self.decision(class_probs, dim=1)
            >>> print('pred_idxs1 = {!r}'.format(pred_idxs1))

            >>> import kwcoco
            >>> from kwcoco.category_tree import _print_forest
            >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8')
            >>> self = dset.object_categories()
            >>> _print_forest(self.graph)
            ├── background
            ├── raster
            │   ├── eff
            │   └── superstar
            └── vector
                └── star

            >>> print(list(self))
            ['background', 'star', 'superstar', 'eff', 'raster', 'vector']

            >>> class_probs = np.array([[0.05, 0.10, 0.90, 0.10, .90, .05]])
            >>> self.decision(class_probs, dim=1)
            >>> print('node = {!r}, prob = {!r}'.format(self.idx_to_node[idx[0]], prob[0]))

            >>> class_probs = np.array([[0.00, 0.00, 0.98, 0.02, 0.98, 0.02]])
            >>> idx, prob = self.decision(class_probs, dim=1, thresh=0.1, criterion='entropy')
            >>> print('node = {!r}, prob = {!r}'.format(self.idx_to_node[idx[0]], prob[0]))

            >>> class_probs = np.array([[0.00, 0.98, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.98]])
            >>> idx, prob = self.decision(class_probs, dim=1, thresh=0.01, criterion='entropy')
            >>> print('node = {!r}, prob = {!r}'.format(self.idx_to_node[idx[0]], prob[0]))

            >>> class_probs = np.array([[0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00]])
            >>> idx, prob = self.decision(class_probs, dim=1, thresh=0.1, criterion='entropy')
            >>> print('node = {!r}, prob = {!r}'.format(self.idx_to_node[idx[0]], prob[0]))
        if criterion == 'prob':
            return self._prob_decision(class_probs, dim, thresh=thresh)

        DEBUG = False

        impl = kwarray.ArrayAPI.impl(class_probs)

        sources = list(source_nodes(self.graph))
        other_dims = sorted(set(range(len(class_probs.shape))) - {dim})

        # Rearange probs so the class dimension is at the end
        flat_class_probs = impl.transpose(class_probs, other_dims + [dim]).reshape(-1, class_probs.shape[dim])
        flat_jdxs = np.arange(flat_class_probs.shape[0])

        if criterion == 'gini':
            _criterion = functools.partial(gini, axis=dim, impl=impl)
            # _criterion = functools.partial(gini, axis=dim)
        elif criterion == 'entropy':
            _criterion = functools.partial(entropy, axis=dim, impl=impl)
            # _criterion = functools.partial(entropy, axis=dim)
            raise KeyError(criterion)

        def _entropy_refine(depth, nodes, jdxs):
            Recursively descend the class tree starting at the coursest level.
            At each level we decide if the items will take a category at this
            level of granulatority or try to take a more fine-grained label.

                depth (int): current depth in the tree
                nodes (list) : set of sibling nodes at a this level
                jdxs (ArrayLike): item indices that made it to this level (note
                    idxs are used for class indices)
            if DEBUG:
                print(ub.color_text('* REFINE nodes={}'.format(nodes), 'blue'))
            # Look at the probabilities of each node at this level
            idxs = sorted(self.node_to_idx[node] for node in nodes)
            if ignore_class_idxs:
                ignore_nodes = set(ub.take(self.idx_to_node, ignore_class_idxs))
                idxs = sorted(set(idxs) - set(ignore_class_idxs))
                if len(idxs) == 0:
                    raise ValueError('Cannot ignore all top-level classes')
            probs = flat_class_probs[jdxs][:, idxs]

            # Choose a highest probability category to predict at this level
            pred_conf, pred_cx = impl.max_argmax(probs, axis=1)
            pred_idxs = np.array(idxs)[impl.numpy(pred_cx)]

            # Group each example which predicted the same class at this level
            group_idxs, groupxs = kwarray.group_indices(pred_idxs)
            if DEBUG:
                groupxs = list(ub.take(groupxs, group_idxs.argsort()))
                group_idxs = group_idxs[group_idxs.argsort()]
                # print('groupxs = {!r}'.format(groupxs))
                # print('group_idxs = {!r}'.format(group_idxs))

            for idx, groupx in zip(group_idxs, groupxs):
                # Get the children of this node (idx)
                node = self.idx_to_node[idx]
                children = sorted(self.graph.successors(node))
                if ignore_class_idxs:
                    children = sorted(set(children) - ignore_nodes)

                if children:
                    # Check if it would be simple to refine the coarse category
                    # current prediction into one of its finer-grained child
                    # categories. Do this by considering the entropy at this
                    # level if we replace this coarse-node with the child
                    # fine-nodes. Then compare that entropy to what we would
                    # get if we were perfectly uncertain about the child node
                    # prediction (i.e. the worst case). If the entropy we get
                    # is much lower than the worst case, then it is simple to
                    # descend the tree and predict a finer-grained label.

                    # Expand this node into all of its children
                    child_idxs = set(self.node_to_idx[child] for child in children)

                    # Get example indices (jdxs) assigned to category idx
                    group_jdxs = jdxs[groupx]

                    # Expand this parent node, but keep the parent's siblings
                    ommer_idxs = sorted(set(idxs) - {idx})  # Note: ommer = Aunt/Uncle
                    expanded_idxs = sorted(ommer_idxs) + sorted(child_idxs)
                    expanded_probs = flat_class_probs[group_jdxs][:, expanded_idxs]

                    # Compute the entropy of the expanded distribution
                    h_expanded = _criterion(expanded_probs)

                    # Probability assigned to the parent
                    p_parent = flat_class_probs[group_jdxs][:, idx:idx + 1]
                    # Get the absolute probabilities assigned the parents siblings
                    ommer_probs = flat_class_probs[group_jdxs][:, sorted(ommer_idxs)]

                    # Compute the worst-case entropy after expanding the node
                    # In the worst case the parent probability is distributed
                    # uniformly among all of its children
                    c = len(children)
                    child_probs_worst = impl.tile(p_parent / c, reps=[1, c])
                    expanded_probs_worst = impl.hstack([ommer_probs, child_probs_worst])
                    h_expanded_worst = _criterion(expanded_probs_worst)

                    # Normalize the entropy we got by the worst case.
                    # eps = float(np.finfo(np.float32).min)
                    eps = 1e-30
                    complexity_ratio = h_expanded / (h_expanded_worst + eps)
                    simplicity_ratio = 1 - complexity_ratio

                    # If simplicity ratio is over a threshold refine the parent
                    refine_flags = simplicity_ratio > thresh

                    if always_refine_idxs is not None:
                        if idx in always_refine_idxs:
                            refine_flags[:] = 1

                    if len(child_idxs) == 1:
                        # hack: always refine when there is one child, in this
                        # case the simplicity measure will always be zero,
                        # which is likely a problem with this criterion.
                        refine_flags[:] = 1

                    refine_flags = kwarray.ArrayAPI.numpy(refine_flags).astype(bool)

                    if DEBUG:
                        print('idx = {!r}'.format(idx))
                        print('node = {!r}'.format(self.idx_to_node[idx]))
                        print('ommer_idxs = {!r}'.format(ommer_idxs))
                        print('ommer_nodes = {!r}'.format(
                            list(ub.take(self.idx_to_node, ommer_idxs))))
                        print('depth = {!r}'.format(depth))
                        import pandas as pd
                        print('expanded_probs =\n{}'.format(
                            ub.urepr(expanded_probs, precision=2,
                                     with_dtype=0, supress_small=True)))
                        df = pd.DataFrame({
                            'h': h_expanded,
                            'h_worst': h_expanded_worst,
                            'c_ratio': complexity_ratio,
                            's_ratio': simplicity_ratio,
                            'flags': refine_flags.astype(np.uint8)

                    if np.any(refine_flags):
                        refine_jdxs = group_jdxs[refine_flags]
                        refine_idxs, refine_conf = _entropy_refine(depth + 1, children, refine_jdxs)
                        # Overwrite course decisions with refined decisions.
                        refine_groupx = groupx[refine_flags]
                        pred_idxs[refine_groupx] = refine_idxs
                        pred_conf[refine_groupx] = refine_conf
            return pred_idxs, pred_conf

        nodes = sources
        jdxs = flat_jdxs
        depth = 0
        pred_idxs, pred_conf = _entropy_refine(depth, nodes, jdxs)
        return pred_idxs, pred_conf


    def heirarchical_softmax(self, *args, **kw):
        import warnings
        warnings.warn('deprecated use the correctly spelled version')
        return self.hierarchical_softmax(*args, **kw)

    def heirarchical_cross_entropy(self, *args, **kw):
        import warnings
        warnings.warn('deprecated use the correctly spelled version')
        return self.hierarchical_cross_entropy(*args, **kw)

    def heirarchical_nll_loss(self, *args, **kw):
        import warnings
        warnings.warn('deprecated use the correctly spelled version')
        return self.hierarchical_nll_loss(*args, **kw)

    def heirarchical_log_softmax(self, *args, **kw):
        import warnings
        warnings.warn('deprecated use the correctly spelled version')
        return self.hierarchical_log_softmax(*args, **kw)

[docs] class CategoryTree(KWCOCO_CategoryTree, Mixin_CategoryTree_Torch): # Mixin the kwcoco category tree with torch functionality KWCOCO_CategoryTree.__doc__
def source_nodes(graph): """ generates source nodes --- nodes without incoming edges """ return (n for n in graph.nodes() if graph.in_degree(n) == 0) def sink_nodes(graph): """ generates source nodes --- nodes without incoming edges """ return (n for n in graph.nodes() if graph.out_degree(n) == 0) def gini(probs, axis=1, impl=np): """ Approximates Shannon Entropy, but faster to compute Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch) >>> import torch >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0) >>> probs = torch.softmax(torch.Tensor(rng.rand(3, 10)), 1) >>> gini(probs.numpy(), impl=kwarray.ArrayAPI.coerce('numpy')) array...0.896..., 0.890..., 0.892... >>> gini(probs, impl=kwarray.ArrayAPI.coerce('torch')) tensor...0.896..., 0.890..., 0.892... """ return 1 - impl.sum(probs ** 2, axis=axis) def entropy(probs, axis=1, impl=np): """ Standard Shannon (Information Theory) Entropy Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch) >>> import torch >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0) >>> probs = torch.softmax(torch.Tensor(rng.rand(3, 10)), 1) >>> entropy(probs.numpy(), impl=kwarray.ArrayAPI.coerce('numpy')) array...3.295..., 3.251..., 3.265... >>> entropy(probs, impl=kwarray.ArrayAPI.coerce('torch')) tensor...3.295..., 3.251..., 3.265... """ with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): logprobs = impl.log2(probs) logprobs = impl.nan_to_num(logprobs, copy=False) h = -impl.sum(probs * logprobs, axis=axis) return h if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m ndsampler.category_tree """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)