Source code for ndsampler.coco_regions

Maintains information about groundtruth targets. Positives are specified
explicitly, and negatives are mined.

The Targets class maintains the "Positive Population".

A Positive is a bounding box that belongs to an image or video with a class
label and potentially other attributes. Negatives are similar except they are
boxes that do not significantly intersect positives. A pool of positives can
also be selected from the population such that only a subset of data is used
per epoch.

Cases to Handle:
    - [ ] Annotations are significantly smaller than images
        * Annotations are typically very far apart
        * Annotations can be clustered tightly together
        * Annotations are at massively different scales
    - [ ] Annotations are about the same size as the images

import itertools as it
import kwarray
import kwimage
import numpy as np
import ubelt as ub
from ndsampler.utils import util_misc
from ndsampler import isect_indexer

    from xdev import profile
except Exception:
    profile = ub.identity

[docs] class MissingNegativePool(AssertionError): pass
[docs] class Targets(object): """ Abstract API """
[docs] def get_negative(self, index=None, rng=None): pass
[docs] def get_positive(self, index=None, rng=None): pass
[docs] def overlapping_aids(self, gid, box): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def preselect(self, n_pos=None, n_neg=None, neg_to_pos_ratio=None, window_dims=None, rng=None, verbose=0): """ Shuffle selection of positive and negative samples TODO: [X] Basic, window around positive annotation algorithm [ ] Sliding window algorithm from bioharn """ if neg_to_pos_ratio is not None and n_neg is not None: raise ValueError('Cannot specify both neg_to_pos_ratio and n_neg') n_pos = self._preselect_positives(num=n_neg, rng=rng, window_dims=window_dims, verbose=verbose) if n_neg is None: if neg_to_pos_ratio is None: neg_to_pos_ratio = 0 n_neg = int(neg_to_pos_ratio * n_pos) n_neg = self._preselect_negatives( num=n_neg, window_dims=window_dims, rng=rng, verbose=verbose) return n_pos, n_neg
[docs] class CocoRegions(Targets, util_misc.HashIdentifiable, ub.NiceRepr): """ Converts Coco-Style datasets into a table for efficient on-line work Perhaps rename this class to regions, and then have targets be an attribute of regions. Args: dset (ndsampler.CocoAPI): a dataset in coco format workdir (PathLike): a temporary directory where we can cache stuff verbose (int): verbosity level Example: >>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import * >>> self = CocoRegions.demo() >>> pos_tr = self.get_positive(rng=0) >>> neg_tr = self.get_negative(rng=0) >>> print(ub.urepr(pos_tr, precision=2)) >>> print(ub.urepr(neg_tr, precision=2)) """ def __init__(self, dset, workdir=None, verbose=1): super(CocoRegions, self).__init__() self.dset = dset self.workdir = workdir self.verbose = verbose # caching verbosity # Lazilly computed values self._targets = None self._isect_index = None self._neg_anchors = None self._positive_pool = None # A list of the selected positive (possibily oversampled) indices self._pos_select_idxs = None self._negative_pool = None self._negative_idx = None self.classes = self.dset.object_categories() # currently hacked in self.BACKGROUND_CLASS_ID = self.classes.node_to_id.get('background', 0) # A dictionary specifying which on-disk caches are enabled. By default # all are enabled, but the user can turn these off if they are causing # issues. self._enabled_caches = { 'isect_index': True, 'targets': True, 'neg_anchors': True, '_negative_pool': True, '_pos_select_idxs': True, } @property def catgraph(self): # Old alias for classes return self.classes @property def n_negatives(self): return len(self._negative_pool) if self._negative_pool is not None else 0 @property def n_positives(self): return len(self._pos_select_idxs) if self._pos_select_idxs is not None else len(self.targets) # return len(self._positive_pool) if self._positive_pool is not None else len(self.targets) @property def n_samples(self): return self.n_positives + self.n_negatives @property def class_ids(self): return list(self.dset.cats.keys()) @property def image_ids(self): return sorted(self.dset.imgs.keys()) @property def n_annots(self): return len(self.dset.anns) @property def n_images(self): return len(self.dset.imgs) @property def n_categories(self): return len(self.dset.cats)
[docs] def lookup_class_name(self, class_id): return self.dset.cats[class_id]['name']
[docs] def lookup_class_id(self, class_name): return self.dset.name_to_cat[class_name]['id']
def __nice__(self): n_targets = len(self._targets) if self._targets is not None else None n_pos = len(self._pos_select_idxs) if self._pos_select_idxs is not None else None n_neg = len(self._negative_pool) if self._negative_pool is not None else None n_dset = (ub.urepr(self.dset.basic_stats(), nl=0, sep='', si=True, explicit=1, nobr=1) if self.dset is not None else None) nice = ('{{nPos={pos}, nNeg={neg}}} ∼ ' '{{nViable={targets}}} ⊆ ' '{{{dset}}}').format( dset=n_dset, targets=n_targets, pos=n_pos, neg=n_neg) return nice
[docs] @classmethod def demo(CocoRegions): import kwcoco dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') dset._ensure_imgsize() self = CocoRegions(dset) return self
def _make_hashid(self): _hashid = getattr(self.dset, 'hashid', None) if _hashid is None: if self.verbose > 1: print('Constructing regions hashid (ignoring pixel data)') self.dset._build_hashid(hash_pixels=False) _hashid = getattr(self.dset, 'hashid', None) return _hashid, None @property def isect_index(self): """ Lazy access to a disk-cached intersection index for this dataset """ return self._lazy_isect_index() def _lazy_isect_index(self, verbose=None): if self._isect_index is None: # FIXME! Any use of cacher here should be wrapped in an # InterProcessLock! The sampler often exists in a multiprocessing # context! # TODO: serialize rtree cacher = self._cacher('isect_index', verbose=verbose, disable=isect_indexer.USE_RTREE, extra_deps=ub.odict({'use_rtree': isect_indexer.USE_RTREE})) _isect_index = cacher.tryload(on_error='clear') if _isect_index is None: _isect_index = isect_indexer.FrameIntersectionIndex.from_coco(self.dset) self._isect_index = _isect_index return self._isect_index @property def targets(self): """ All viable positive annotations targets in a flat table. The main idea is that this is the population of all positives that we could sample from. Often times we will simply use all of them. This function takes a subset of annotations in the coco dataset that can be considered "viable" positives. We may subsample these futher, but this serves to collect the annotations that could feasibly be used by the network. Essentailly we remove annotations without bounding boxes. I'm not sure I 100% like the way this works though. Shouldn't filtering be done before we even get here? Perhaps but perhaps not. This design needs a bit more thought. """ if self._targets is None: if self.verbose: print('Building targets from coco dataset') cacher = self._cacher('targets') _targets = cacher.tryload(on_error='clear') if _targets is None: _targets = tabular_coco_targets(self.dset) self._targets = _targets return self._targets @property def neg_anchors(self): if self._neg_anchors is None: cacher = self._cacher('neg_anchors') neg_anchors = cacher.tryload(on_error='clear') if neg_anchors is None: if False: # FIXME: this is not the right way to normalize anchors neg_anchors = np.vstack([ self.targets['width'] / self.targets['img_width'], self.targets['height'] / self.targets['img_height'] ]).T else: z = np.minimum(self.targets['img_width'], self.targets['img_height']) neg_anchors = np.vstack([self.targets['width'], self.targets['height']]).T neg_anchors = neg_anchors / z[:, None] rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0) rng.shuffle(neg_anchors) neg_anchors = neg_anchors[0:1000] if False: # TODO: perhaps use k-means to cluster import sklearn import sklearn.cluster n_clusters = len(self.dset.dataset['categories']) * 3 algo = sklearn.cluster.KMeans( n_clusters=n_clusters, n_init=20, max_iter=10000, tol=1e-6, algorithm='elkan', verbose=0) neg_anchors = algo.cluster_centers_ self._neg_anchors = neg_anchors return self._neg_anchors
[docs] @profile def overlapping_aids(self, gid, region, visible_thresh=0.0): """ Finds the other annotations in this image that overlap a region Args: gid (int): image id region (kwimage.Boxes): bounding box visible_thresh (float): does not return annotations with visibility less than this threshold. Returns: List[int]: annotation ids """ overlap_aids = self.isect_index.overlapping_aids(gid, region) if visible_thresh > 0 and len(overlap_aids) > 0: # Get info about all annotations inside this window if 0: overlap_annots = self.dset.annots(overlap_aids) abs_boxes = overlap_annots.boxes else: overlap_anns = [self.dset.anns[aid] for aid in overlap_aids] abs_boxes = kwimage.Boxes( [ann['bbox'] for ann in overlap_anns], 'xywh') # Remove annotations that are not mostly invisible if len(abs_boxes) > 0: eps = 1e-6 isect_area = region[None, :].isect_area(abs_boxes)[0] other_area = abs_boxes.area.T[0] visibility = isect_area / (other_area + eps) is_visible = visibility > visible_thresh abs_boxes = abs_boxes[is_visible] overlap_aids = list(it.compress(overlap_aids, is_visible)) # overlap_annots = self.dset.annots(overlap_aids) return overlap_aids
[docs] def get_segmentations(self, aids): """ Returns the segmentations corresponding to a set of annotation ids Example: >>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import * >>> from ndsampler import coco_sampler >>> self = coco_sampler.CocoSampler.demo().regions >>> aids = [1, 2] """ sseg_list = [] for aid in aids: ann = self.dset.anns[aid] coco_sseg = ann.get('segmentation', None) if coco_sseg is None: sseg = None else: sseg = kwimage.MultiPolygon.coerce(coco_sseg) sseg_list.append(sseg) return sseg_list
[docs] def get_negative(self, index=None, rng=None): """ Get localization information for a negative region Args: index (int or None): indexes into the current negative pool or if None returns a random negative rng (RandomState): used only if index is None Returns: Dict: tr: target info dictionary CommandLine: xdoctest -m ndsampler.coco_regions CocoRegions.get_negative Example: >>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import * >>> from ndsampler import coco_sampler >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0) >>> self = coco_sampler.CocoSampler.demo().regions >>> tr = self.get_negative(rng=rng) >>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WANT >>> assert 'category_id' in tr >>> assert 'aid' in tr >>> assert 'cx' in tr >>> print(ub.urepr(tr, precision=2)) { 'aid': -1, 'category_id': 0, 'cx': 190.71, 'cy': 95.83, 'gid': 1, 'height': 140.00, 'img_height': 600, 'img_width': 600, 'width': 68.00, } """ if index is None: # Random negative if self._negative_pool is None: self._preselect_negatives(1, rng=rng) # sample sequentially from the presampled pool tr = self._negative_pool.iloc[self._negative_idx] self._negative_idx += 1 # resample the pool once we reach the end if self._negative_idx == len(self._negative_pool): self._negative_pool = None else: # the negative pool must have been initialized if self._negative_pool is None: raise MissingNegativePool(( 'A presampled negative pool does not exist for this ' 'target, but it is required to access the specific ' 'negative index={}. Did you forget to call ' '_preselect_negatives?' ).format(index)) tr = self._negative_pool.iloc[index] return tr
[docs] def get_positive(self, index=None, rng=None): """ Get localization information for a positive region Args: index (int or None): indexes into the current positive pool or if None returns a random negative rng (RandomState): used only if index is None Returns: Dict: tr: target info dictionary Example: >>> from ndsampler import coco_sampler >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0) >>> self = coco_sampler.CocoSampler.demo().regions >>> tr = self.get_positive(0, rng=rng) >>> print(ub.urepr(tr, precision=2)) """ if index is None: rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) index = rng.randint(0, self.n_positives) if self._pos_select_idxs is not None: index = self._pos_select_idxs[index] tr = self.targets.iloc[index] return tr
[docs] def get_item(self, index, rng=None): """ Loads from positives and then negatives. """ if index is None: rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) index = rng.randint(0, self.n_samples) if index < self.n_positives: sample = self.get_positive(index, rng=rng) else: index = index - self.n_positives sample = self.get_negative(index, rng=rng) return sample
def _random_negatives(self, num, exact=False, neg_anchors=None, window_size=None, rng=None, thresh=0.0): """ Samples multiple negatives at once for efficiency Args: num (int): number of negatives to sample exact (bool): if True, we will try to find exactly `num` negatives, otherwise the number returned is approximate. neg_anchors (): prior normalized aspect ratios for negative boxes. Mutually exclusive with `window_size`. window_size (Tuple): absolute box size (width, height) used to sample negative regions. If not specified the relative anchor strategy will be used to randomly choose potentially non-square regions relative to the image size. thresh (float): overlap area threshold as a percentage of the negative box size. When thresh=0.0, that means negatives cannot overlap any positive, when threh=1.0, there are no constrains on negative placement. Returns: DataFrameArray: targets - contains negative target information Example: >>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import * >>> from ndsampler import coco_sampler >>> self = coco_sampler.CocoSampler.demo().regions >>> num = 100 >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0) >>> targets = self._random_negatives(num, rng=rng) >>> assert len(targets) <= num >>> targets = self._random_negatives(num, exact=True) >>> assert len(targets) == num """ rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) # Choose some number of centers in each dimension if neg_anchors is None and window_size is None: neg_anchors = self.neg_anchors gids, boxes = self.isect_index.random_negatives( num, anchors=neg_anchors, window_size=window_size, exact=exact, rng=rng, thresh=thresh) targets = kwarray.DataFrameArray() targets = kwarray.DataFrameArray(columns=['gid', 'aid', 'cx', 'cy', 'width', 'height', 'img_width', 'img_height']) targets['gid'] = gids targets['aid'] = [-1] * len(gids) targets['category_id'] = [self.BACKGROUND_CLASS_ID] * len(gids) if len(boxes) > 0: cxywh = boxes.to_cxywh().data targets['cx'] = cxywh.T[0] targets['cy'] = cxywh.T[1] targets['width'] = cxywh.T[2] targets['height'] = cxywh.T[3] if 0: targets['img_width'] = self.dset.images(gids).width targets['img_height'] = self.dset.images(gids).height else: imgs = [self.dset.imgs[gid] for gid in gids] targets['img_width'] = [img['width'] for img in imgs] targets['img_height'] = [img['height'] for img in imgs] return targets
[docs] def new_sample_grid(self, task, window_dims, window_overlap=0, **kwargs): """ New experimental method to replace preselect positives / negatives Args: task (str): can be video_detection image_detection # video_classification # image_classification **kwargs : passed to `new_video_sample_grid` or `new_image_sample_grid` Example: >>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import * >>> from ndsampler import coco_sampler >>> self = coco_sampler.CocoSampler.demo('vidshapes1').regions >>> self.dset.conform() >>> sample_grid = self.new_sample_grid('video_detection', window_dims=(2, 100, 100)) """ dset = self.dset if task == 'video_detection': sample_grid = new_video_sample_grid(dset, window_dims, window_overlap, **kwargs) elif task == 'image_detection': sample_grid = new_image_sample_grid(dset, window_dims, window_overlap, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError(task) return sample_grid
def _preselect_positives(self, num=None, window_dims=None, rng=None, verbose=None): """" preload a bunch of positives Example: >>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import * >>> from ndsampler import coco_sampler >>> self = coco_sampler.CocoSampler.demo().regions >>> window_dims = (64, 64) >>> self._preselect_positives(window_dims=window_dims, verbose=4) """ if verbose is None: verbose = self.verbose # HACK: USE A MONKEY PATCHED CUSTOM SAMPLER if hasattr(self, 'custom_preselect_positives'): self._pos_select_idxs = self.custom_preselect_positives( self, window_dims, rng=rng) else: if True: self._pos_select_idxs = np.arange(len(self.targets)) else: # OLD: NMS-based positive selection # TODO: get a more varied positive sample # TODO: generalize the type of positive sampling. The setcover # approach with window_dims, only makes sense in the context of # detection. disable = rng is None extra_deps = ub.odict() extra_deps['window_size'] = window_dims extra_deps['num'] = num extra_deps['rng'] = rng cacher = self._cacher('_pos_select_idxs', extra_deps=extra_deps, disable=disable, verbose=verbose) _pos_select_idxs = cacher.tryload(on_error='clear') if _pos_select_idxs is None: _pos_select_idxs = select_positive_regions( self.targets, window_dims=window_dims, rng=rng ) self._pos_select_idxs = _pos_select_idxs n_pos = len(self._pos_select_idxs) if verbose: print('Preselected {} positives'.format(n_pos)) return n_pos def _preselect_negatives(self, num, window_dims=None, thresh=0.3, rng=None, verbose=None): """ Preselect a set of random regions to be used as negative examples. Args: num (int): number of desired negatives to preselect. In some cases achieving this number may not be possible. window_dims (Tuple): absolute dimensions (height, width) used to sample negative regions. If not specified the relative anchor strategy will be used to randomly choose potentially non-square regions relative to the image size. thresh (float): overlap area threshold as a percentage of the negative box size. When thresh=0.0, that means negatives cannot overlap any positive, when threh=1.0, there are no constrains on negative placement. rng (int | RandomState): random seed / state verbose (int): verbosity level Returns: int : number of negatives actually chosen Example: >>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import * >>> import ndsampler >>> self = ndsampler.CocoSampler.demo().regions >>> num = 100 >>> self._preselect_negatives(num, window_dims=(30, 30)) """ if verbose is None: verbose = self.verbose if verbose > 2: print('Preselect {} negatives'.format(num)) # Explicitly disable caching if rng is not seeded disable = rng is None rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) if window_dims is not None: window_size = window_dims[::-1] neg_anchors = None else: window_size = None neg_anchors = self.neg_anchors # Setup extra dependencies extra_deps = ub.odict() extra_deps['window_size'] = window_size extra_deps['neg_anchors'] = neg_anchors extra_deps['num'] = num extra_deps['rng'] = rng extra_deps['thresh'] = thresh cacher = self._cacher('_negative_pool', extra_deps=extra_deps, verbose=verbose, disable=disable) _negative_pool = cacher.tryload(on_error='clear') if _negative_pool is None: _negative_pool = self._random_negatives( num, window_size=window_size, neg_anchors=neg_anchors, thresh=thresh, exact='warn', rng=rng) self._negative_pool = _negative_pool self._negative_idx = 0 num_neg = len(self._negative_pool) if verbose > 0: print('Preselected {} negatives'.format(num_neg)) return num_neg def _cacher(self, fname, extra_deps=None, disable=False, verbose=None): """ Create a cacher for a known lazy computation using a common hashid. If `self.workdir` or `self.hashid` is None, then caches are disabled by default. Caches can be explicitly disabled by setting the appropriate value in the `self._enabled_caches` dictionary. Args: fname (str): name of the property we are caching extra_deps (OrderedDict): extra data to contribute to the hashid disable (bool): explicitly disable cache if True, otherwise do normal checks to see if enabled. verbose (bool, default=None): if specified overrides `self.verbose`. Returns: ub.Cacher: cacher - if enabled this cacher will minimally depend on the `self.hashid`, but may also depend on extra info. """ if verbose is None: verbose = self.verbose if not disable and self.hashid and self.workdir: enabled = self._enabled_caches.get(fname, True) dpath = ub.ensuredir((self.workdir, '_cache', fname)) else: dpath = None enabled = False # forced disable depends = None if enabled: if extra_deps is None: extra_deps = ub.odict() elif not isinstance(extra_deps, ub.odict): raise TypeError('Extra dependencies must be an OrderedDict') # always include `self.hashid` extra_deps['self_hashid'] = self.hashid depends = extra_deps cacher = ub.Cacher(fname + '_v2', depends=depends, dpath=dpath, verbose=self.verbose, enabled=enabled) return cacher
[docs] @profile def tabular_coco_targets(dset): """ Transforms COCO box annotations into a tabular form _ = xdev.profile_now(tabular_coco_targets)(dset) """ import warnings # TODO: better handling of non-bounding box annotations; ignore for now if hasattr(dset, 'tabular_targets'): # In the SQL case, we can write a single query that # builds the table more efficiently. return dset.tabular_targets() img_items = list(dset.imgs.items()) gid_to_width = {gid: img['width'] for gid, img in img_items} gid_to_height = {gid: img['height'] for gid, img in img_items} try: anns = dset.dataset['annotations'] if not isinstance(anns, list): anns = list(anns) xywh = [ann['bbox'] for ann in anns] xywh = np.array(xywh, dtype=np.float32) except Exception: has_bbox = [ann.get('bbox', None) is not None for ann in anns] if not all(has_bbox): n_missing = len(has_bbox) - sum(has_bbox) warnings.warn('CocoDataset is missing boxes ' 'for {} annotations'.format(n_missing)) anns = list(ub.compress(anns, has_bbox)) xywh = [ann['bbox'] for ann in anns] xywh = np.array(xywh, dtype=np.float32) boxes = kwimage.Boxes(xywh, 'xywh') cxywhs = boxes.to_cxywh().data.reshape(-1, 4) aids = [ann['id'] for ann in anns] gids = [ann['image_id'] for ann in anns] cids = [ann['category_id'] for ann in anns] img_width = [gid_to_width[gid] for gid in gids] img_height = [gid_to_height[gid] for gid in gids] aids = np.array(aids, dtype=np.int32) gids = np.array(gids, dtype=np.int32) cids = np.array(cids, dtype=np.int32) table = { # Annotation / Image / Category ids 'aid': aids, 'gid': gids, 'category_id': cids, # Subpixel box localizations wrt parent image 'cx': cxywhs.T[0], 'cy': cxywhs.T[1], 'width': cxywhs.T[2], 'height': cxywhs.T[3], } # Parent image id and width / height table['img_width'] = np.array(img_width, dtype=np.int32) table['img_height'] = np.array(img_height, dtype=np.int32) # table = ub.map_vals(np.asarray, table) targets = kwarray.DataFrameArray(table) return targets
[docs] @profile def select_positive_regions(targets, window_dims=(300, 300), thresh=0.0, rng=None, verbose=0): """ Reduce positive example redundency by selecting disparate positive samples Example: >>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import * >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> targets = tabular_coco_targets(dset) >>> window_dims = (300, 300) >>> selected = select_positive_regions(targets, window_dims) >>> print(len(selected)) >>> print(len(dset.anns)) """ unique_gids, groupxs = kwarray.group_indices(targets['gid']) gid_to_groupx = dict(zip(unique_gids, groupxs)) wh, ww = window_dims rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) selection = [] # Get all the bounding boxes cxs, cys = ub.take(targets, ['cx', 'cy']) n = len(targets) cxs = cxs.astype(np.float32) cys = cys.astype(np.float32) wws = np.full(n, ww, dtype=np.float32) whs = np.full(n, wh, dtype=np.float32) cxywh = np.hstack([a[:, None] for a in [cxs, cys, wws, whs]]) boxes = kwimage.Boxes(cxywh, 'cxywh').to_ltrb() iter_ = ub.ProgIter(gid_to_groupx.items(), enabled=verbose, label='select positive regions', total=len(gid_to_groupx), adjust=0, freq=32) for gid, groupx in iter_: # Select all candiate windows in this image cand_windows = boxes.take(groupx, axis=0) # Randomize which candidate windows have the highest scores so the # selection can vary each epoch. cand_scores = rng.rand(len(cand_windows)) cand_dets = kwimage.Detections(boxes=cand_windows, scores=cand_scores) # Non-max supresssion is really similar to set-cover keep = cand_dets.non_max_supression(thresh=thresh) selection.extend(groupx[keep]) selection = np.array(sorted(selection)) return selection
[docs] def new_video_sample_grid(dset, window_dims=None, window_overlap=0.0, space_dims=None, time_dim=None, # TODO classes_of_interest=None, ignore_coverage_thresh=0.6, negative_classes={'ignore', 'background'}, use_annots=True, legacy=True, verbose=1): """ Create a space time-grid to sample with Returns: Dict: sample_grid contains "targets", and if use_annots=True then also contains "positives_indexes" and "negatives_indexes" indicating which annotations contain positive/negative samples. The "positives" and "negatives" lists are deprecated and will be removed. Example: >>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import * # NOQA >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral', num_frames=5) >>> dset.conform() >>> window_dims = (2, 224, 224) >>> sample_grid = new_video_sample_grid(dset, window_dims) >>> print('sample_grid = {}'.format(ub.urepr(sample_grid, nl=2))) >>> # Now try to load a sample >>> tr = sample_grid['positives'][0] >>> import ndsampler >>> sampler = ndsampler.CocoSampler(dset) >>> tr_ = sampler._infer_target_attributes(tr) >>> print('tr_ = {}'.format(ub.urepr(tr_, nl=1))) >>> sample = sampler.load_sample(tr) >>> assert sample['im'].shape == (2, 224, 224, 5) Example: >>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import * # NOQA >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral', num_frames=5) >>> dset.conform() >>> window_dims = (2, 224, 224) >>> sample_grid = new_video_sample_grid(dset, window_dims, use_annots=False) Ignore: import timerit ti = timerit.Timerit(10, bestof=3, verbose=2) for timer in ti.reset('vid use_annots=True'): with timer: new_video_sample_grid(dset, window_dims, use_annots=True, verbose=0) for timer in ti.reset('vid use_annots=False'): with timer: new_video_sample_grid(dset, window_dims, use_annots=False, verbose=0) import timerit ti = timerit.Timerit(10, bestof=3, verbose=2) for timer in ti.reset('img use_annots=True'): with timer: new_image_sample_grid(dset, window_dims[1:], use_annots=True, verbose=0) for timer in ti.reset('img use_annots=False'): with timer: new_image_sample_grid(dset, window_dims[1:], use_annots=False, verbose=0) Ignore: import xdev globals().update(xdev.get_func_kwargs(new_video_sample_grid)) """ import kwarray from ndsampler import isect_indexer keepbound = True if classes_of_interest: raise NotImplementedError # Create a sliding window object for each specific image (because they may # have different sizes, technically we could memoize this) vidid_to_slider = {} for vidid, video in dset.index.videos.items(): gids = dset.index.vidid_to_gids[vidid] num_frames = len(gids) full_dims = [num_frames, video['height'], video['width']] window_dims_ = full_dims if window_dims == 'full' else window_dims slider = kwarray.SlidingWindow(full_dims, window_dims_, overlap=window_overlap, keepbound=keepbound, allow_overshoot=True) vidid_to_slider[vidid] = slider @ub.memoize def _lut_warp(gid): warp_img_to_vid = dset.index.imgs[gid].get('warp_img_to_vid', None) return kwimage.Affine.coerce(warp_img_to_vid) _isect_index = isect_indexer.FrameIntersectionIndex.from_coco(dset) positives = [] negatives = [] targets = [] positive_idxs = [] negative_idxs = [] for vidid, slider in vidid_to_slider.items(): video_regions = list(slider) gids = dset.index.vidid_to_gids[vidid] for vid_region in video_regions: t_sl, y_sl, x_sl = vid_region vid_box = kwimage.Boxes.from_slice((y_sl, x_sl)) region_gids = gids[t_sl] if use_annots: region_aids = [] for gid in region_gids: warp_img_to_vid = _lut_warp(gid) # Check to see what annotations this window-box overlaps with # (in image space!) img_box = vid_box.warp(warp_img_to_vid.inv()) aids = _isect_index.overlapping_aids(gid, img_box) region_aids.extend(aids) pos_aids = sorted(region_aids) else: pos_aids = None time_slice = vid_region[0] space_slice = vid_region[1:3] tr = { 'vidid': vidid, 'time_slice': time_slice, 'space_slice': space_slice, # 'slices': region, 'gids': region_gids, 'aids': pos_aids, } targets.append(tr) if pos_aids: positive_idxs.append(len(targets)) if legacy: positives.append(tr) else: negative_idxs.append(len(targets)) if legacy: negatives.append(tr) if verbose: print('Found {} targets'.format(len(targets))) if use_annots: print('Found {} positives'.format(len(positive_idxs))) print('Found {} negatives'.format(len(negative_idxs))) sample_grid = { 'targets': targets, 'positives_indexes': positive_idxs, 'negatives_indexes': negative_idxs, } if legacy: sample_grid.update({ # Deprecated: 'positives': positives, 'negatives': negatives, }) return sample_grid
[docs] def new_image_sample_grid(dset, window_dims, window_overlap=0.0, classes_of_interest=None, ignore_coverage_thresh=0.6, negative_classes={'ignore', 'background'}, use_annots=True, legacy=True, verbose=1): """ Create a space time-grid to sample with Returns: Dict: sample_grid contains "targets", and if use_annots=True then also contains "positives_indexes" and "negatives_indexes" indicating which annotations contain positive/negative samples. The "positives" and "negatives" lists are deprecated and will be removed. Example: >>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import * # NOQA >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral') >>> window_dims = (224, 224) >>> sample_grid1 = new_image_sample_grid(dset, window_dims, use_annots=False) >>> sample_grid = new_image_sample_grid(dset, window_dims) >>> # Now try to load a sample >>> idx = sample_grid['positives_indexes'][0] >>> tr = sample_grid['targets'][idx] >>> import ndsampler >>> sampler = ndsampler.CocoSampler(dset) >>> tr['channels'] = '<all>' >>> tr_ = sampler._infer_target_attributes(tr) >>> print('tr_ = {}'.format(ub.urepr(tr_, nl=1))) >>> sample = sampler.load_sample(tr) >>> assert sample['im'].shape == (224, 224, 5) Ignore: import xdev globals().update(xdev.get_func_kwargs(new_image_sample_grid)) """ # import netharn as nh import kwarray from ndsampler import isect_indexer keepbound = True # Create a sliding window object for each specific image (because they may # have different sizes, technically we could memoize this) gid_to_slider = {} for img in dset.imgs.values(): full_dims = [img['height'], img['width']] window_dims_ = full_dims if window_dims == 'full' else window_dims slider = kwarray.SlidingWindow(full_dims, window_dims_, overlap=window_overlap, keepbound=keepbound, allow_overshoot=True) gid_to_slider[img['id']] = slider if use_annots: _isect_index = isect_indexer.FrameIntersectionIndex.from_coco(dset) positives = [] negatives = [] targets = [] positive_idxs = [] negative_idxs = [] for gid, slider in gid_to_slider.items(): # For each image, create a box for each spatial region in the slider boxes = [] regions = list(slider) for region in regions: y_sl, x_sl = region boxes.append([x_sl.start, y_sl.start, x_sl.stop, y_sl.stop]) boxes = kwimage.Boxes(np.array(boxes), 'ltrb') for region, box in zip(regions, boxes): if use_annots: # Check to see what annotations this window-box overlaps with aids = _isect_index.overlapping_aids(gid, box) # Look at the categories within this region catnames = [ dset.cats[dset.anns[aid]['category_id']]['name'].lower() for aid in aids ] if ignore_coverage_thresh: ignore_flags = [catname == 'ignore' for catname in catnames] if any(ignore_flags): # If the almost the entire window is marked as ignored then # just skip this window. ignore_aids = list(ub.compress(aids, ignore_flags)) ignore_boxes = dset.annots(ignore_aids).boxes # Get an upper bound on coverage to short circuit extra # computation in simple cases. box_area = box.area.sum() coverage_ub = ignore_boxes.area.sum() / box_area if coverage_ub > ignore_coverage_thresh: max_coverage = ignore_boxes.iooas(box).max() if max_coverage > ignore_coverage_thresh: continue elif len(ignore_boxes) > 1: # We have to test the complex case try: from shapely.ops import cascaded_union ignore_shape = cascaded_union(ignore_boxes.to_shapley()) region_shape = box[None, :].to_shapley()[0] coverage_shape = ignore_shape.intersection(region_shape) real_coverage = coverage_shape.area / box_area if real_coverage > ignore_coverage_thresh: continue except Exception as ex: import warnings warnings.warn( 'ignore region select had non-critical ' 'issue ex = {!r}'.format(ex)) if classes_of_interest: # If there are CoIs then only count a region as positive if one # of those is in this region interest_flags = np.array([ catname in classes_of_interest for catname in catnames]) pos_aids = list(ub.compress(aids, interest_flags)) elif negative_classes: # Don't count negative classes as positives nonnegative_flags = np.array([ catname not in negative_classes for catname in catnames]) pos_aids = list(ub.compress(aids, nonnegative_flags)) else: pos_aids = aids else: aids = None pos_aids = None # aids = sampler.regions.overlapping_aids(gid, box, visible_thresh=0.001) tr = { 'gid': gid, 'slices': region, 'aids': aids, } targets.append(tr) if pos_aids: positive_idxs.append(len(targets)) if legacy: positives.append(tr) else: negative_idxs.append(len(targets)) if legacy: negatives.append(tr) if verbose: print('Found {} targets'.format(len(targets))) if use_annots: print('Found {} positives'.format(len(positive_idxs))) print('Found {} negatives'.format(len(negative_idxs))) sample_grid = { 'targets': targets, 'positives_indexes': positive_idxs, 'negatives_indexes': negative_idxs, } if legacy: sample_grid.update({ # Deprecated: 'positives': positives, 'negatives': negatives, }) return sample_grid