Source code for ndsampler.isect_indexer

import numpy as np
import ubelt as ub
import itertools as it
import warnings
import kwarray
import kwimage
import os

    USE_RTREE = os.environ.get('USE_RTREE', '').lower()
    USE_RTREE = USE_RTREE in {'0', 'false'} or USE_RTREE
    if not USE_RTREE:
        raise ImportError
    import rtree
    pyqtree = None
except ImportError:
    import pyqtree
    rtree = None

    from xdev import profile
except Exception:
    profile = ub.identity

[docs] class FrameIntersectionIndex(ub.NiceRepr): """ Build spatial tree for each frame so we can quickly determine if a random negative is too close to a positive. For each frame/image we built a qtree. Example: >>> from ndsampler.isect_indexer import * >>> import kwcoco >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo() >>> dset._ensure_imgsize() >>> dset.remove_annotations([ann for ann in dset.anns.values() >>> if 'bbox' not in ann]) >>> # Build intersection index aroung coco dataset >>> self = FrameIntersectionIndex.from_coco(dset) >>> gid = 1 >>> box = kwimage.Boxes([0, 10, 100, 100], 'xywh') >>> isect_aids, ious = self.ious(gid, box) >>> print(ub.urepr(ious.tolist(), nl=0, precision=4)) [0.0507] """ def __init__(self): self.qtrees = None self.all_gids = None def __nice__(self): if self.all_gids is None: return 'None' else: return len(self.all_gids)
[docs] @classmethod def from_coco(cls, dset, verbose=0): """ Args: dset (kwcoco.CocoDataset): positive annotation data Returns: FrameIntersectionIndex """ self = cls() self.qtrees = self._build_index(dset, verbose=verbose) self.all_gids = sorted(self.qtrees.keys()) return self
[docs] @classmethod def demo(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a demo intersection index. Args: *args: see kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo **kwargs: see kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo Returns: FrameIntersectionIndex """ import kwcoco dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo(*args, **kwargs) dset._ensure_imgsize() dset.remove_annotations([ann for ann in dset.anns.values() if 'bbox' not in ann]) self = cls.from_coco(dset) return self
@staticmethod @profile def _build_index(dset, verbose=0): """ """ if verbose: print('Building isect index') if rtree is not None: # Try using trees first qtrees = {} for img in ub.ProgIter(dset.dataset['images'], desc='init rtrees', verbose=verbose): gid = img['id'] qtree = rtree.Index() qtree.width = img['width'] qtree.height = img['height'] qtrees[gid] = qtree # qtrees[gid].bounds = [0, 0, img['width'], img['height']] for qtree in qtrees.values(): qtree.aid_to_ltrb = {} # Add extra index to track boxes if dset.index is not None: for gid, aids in ub.ProgIter(dset.index.gid_to_aids.items(), total=len(dset.index.gid_to_aids), desc='populate qtrees', verbose=verbose): annots = dset.annots(aids) qtree = qtrees[gid] ltrb_boxes = annots.boxes.to_ltrb().data qtree.aid_to_ltrb = ub.dzip(aids, ltrb_boxes) for aid, ltrb_box in qtree.aid_to_ltrb.items(): qtree.insert(aid, ltrb_box) else: for ann in ub.ProgIter(dset.dataset['annotations'], desc='populate qtrees', verbose=verbose): bbox = ann.get('bbox', None) if bbox is not None: aid = ann['id'] qtree = qtrees[ann['image_id']] xywh_box = kwimage.Boxes(bbox, 'xywh') ltrb_box = xywh_box.to_ltrb().data qtree.insert(aid, ltrb_box) qtree.aid_to_ltrb[aid] = ltrb_box else: qtrees = { img['id']: pyqtree.Index((0, 0, img['width'], img['height'])) for img in ub.ProgIter(dset.dataset['images'], desc='init qtrees', verbose=verbose) } for qtree in qtrees.values(): qtree.aid_to_ltrb = {} # Add extra index to track boxes for ann in ub.ProgIter(dset.dataset['annotations'], desc='populate qtrees', verbose=verbose): bbox = ann.get('bbox', None) if bbox is not None: aid = ann['id'] qtree = qtrees[ann['image_id']] xywh_box = kwimage.Boxes(bbox, 'xywh') ltrb_box = xywh_box.to_ltrb().data qtree.insert(aid, ltrb_box) qtree.aid_to_ltrb[aid] = ltrb_box return qtrees
[docs] @profile def overlapping_aids(self, gid, box): """ Find all annotation-ids within an image that have some overlap with a bounding box. Args: gid (int): an image id box (kwimage.Boxes): the specified region Returns: List[int]: list of annotation ids CommandLine: USE_RTREE=0 xdoctest -m ndsampler.isect_indexer FrameIntersectionIndex.overlapping_aids USE_RTREE=1 xdoctest -m ndsampler.isect_indexer FrameIntersectionIndex.overlapping_aids Example: >>> from ndsampler.isect_indexer import * # NOQA >>> self = FrameIntersectionIndex.demo('shapes128') >>> for gid, qtree in self.qtrees.items(): >>> box = kwimage.Boxes([0, 0, qtree.width, qtree.height], 'xywh') >>> print(self.overlapping_aids(gid, box)) """ boxes1 = box[None, :] if len(box.shape) == 1 else box qtree = self.qtrees[gid] query = boxes1.to_ltrb().data[0] if rtree is None: isect_aids = sorted(set(qtree.intersect(query))) else: isect_aids = sorted(set(qtree.intersection(query))) return isect_aids
[docs] def ious(self, gid, box): """ Find overlaping annotations in a specific image and their intersection over union with a a query box. Args: gid (int): an image id box (kwimage.Boxes): the specified region Returns: Tuple[List[int], ndarray]: isect_aids: list of annotation ids ious: jaccard score for each returned annotation id """ boxes1 = box[None, :] if len(box.shape) == 1 else box isect_aids = self.overlapping_aids(gid, box) if len(isect_aids): boxes1 = box[None, :] boxes2 = [self.qtrees[gid].aid_to_ltrb[aid] for aid in isect_aids] boxes2 = kwimage.Boxes(np.array(boxes2), 'ltrb') ious = boxes1.ious(boxes2)[0] else: ious = np.empty(0) return isect_aids, ious
[docs] def iooas(self, gid, box): """ Intersection over other's area Args: gid (int): an image id box (kwimage.Boxes): the specified region Like iou, but non-symetric, returned number is a percentage of the other's (groundtruth) area. This means we dont care how big the (negative) `box` is. """ boxes1 = box[None, :] if len(box.shape) == 1 else box isect_aids = self.overlapping_aids(gid, box) if len(isect_aids): boxes2 = [self.qtrees[gid].aid_to_ltrb[aid] for aid in isect_aids] boxes2 = kwimage.Boxes(np.array(boxes2), 'ltrb') isect = boxes1.isect_area(boxes2) denom = boxes2.area.T eps = 1e-6 iomas = isect / (denom[0] + eps) else: iomas = np.empty(0) return isect_aids, iomas
[docs] def random_negatives(self, num, anchors=None, window_size=None, gids=None, thresh=0.0, exact=True, rng=None, patience=None): """ Finds random boxes that don't have a large overlap with positive instances. Args: num (int): number of negative boxes to generate (actual number of boxes returned may be less unless `exact=True`) anchors (ndarray): prior normalized aspect ratios for negative boxes. Mutually exclusive with `window_size`. window_size (ndarray): absolute (W, H) sizes to use for negative boxes. Mutually exclusive with `anchors`. gids (List[int]): image-ids to generate negatives for, if not specified generates for all images. thresh (float): overlap area threshold as a percentage of the negative box size. When thresh=0.0, that means negatives cannot overlap any positive, when threh=1.0, there are no constrains on negative placement. exact (bool): if True, ensure that we generate exactly `num` boxes rng (RandomState): random number generator Example: >>> from ndsampler.isect_indexer import * >>> import ndsampler >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> self = FrameIntersectionIndex.from_coco(dset) >>> anchors = np.array([[.35, .15], [.2, .2], [.1, .1]]) >>> #num = 25 >>> num = 5 >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(None) >>> neg_gids, neg_boxes = self.random_negatives( >>> num, anchors, gids=[1], rng=rng, thresh=0.01, exact=1) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> gid = sorted(set(neg_gids))[0] >>> boxes = neg_boxes.compress(neg_gids == gid) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> img = kwimage.imread(dset.imgs[gid]['file_name']) >>> kwplot.imshow(img, doclf=True, fnum=1, colorspace='bgr') >>> support = self._support(gid) >>> kwplot.draw_boxes(support, color='blue') >>> kwplot.draw_boxes(boxes, color='orange') Example: >>> from ndsampler.isect_indexer import * >>> import kwcoco >>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8') >>> self = FrameIntersectionIndex.from_coco(dset) >>> #num = 25 >>> num = 5 >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(None) >>> window_size = (50, 50) >>> neg_gids, neg_boxes = self.random_negatives( >>> num, window_size=window_size, gids=[1], rng=rng, >>> thresh=0.01, exact=1) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> gid = sorted(set(neg_gids))[0] >>> boxes = neg_boxes.compress(neg_gids == gid) >>> img = kwimage.imread(dset.imgs[gid]['file_name']) >>> kwplot.imshow(img, doclf=True, fnum=1, colorspace='bgr') >>> support = self._support(gid) >>> support.draw(color='blue') >>> boxes.draw(color='orange') """ if not ((window_size is None) ^ (anchors is None)): raise ValueError('window_size and anchors are mutually exclusive') rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) all_gids = self.all_gids if gids is None else gids def _generate_rel(n): # Generate n candidate boxes in the normalized 0-1 domain cand_boxes = kwimage.Boxes.random(num=n, scale=1.0, format='ltrb', anchors=anchors, anchor_std=0, rng=rng) chosen_gids = np.array(sorted(rng.choice(all_gids, size=n))) gid_to_boxes = kwarray.group_items(cand_boxes, chosen_gids, axis=0) neg_gids = [] neg_boxes = [] for gid, img_boxes in gid_to_boxes.items(): qtree = self.qtrees[gid] # scale from normalized coordinates to image coordinates img_boxes = img_boxes.scale((qtree.width, qtree.height)) for box in img_boxes: # isect_aids, overlaps = self.ious(gid, box) isect_aids, overlaps = self.iooas(gid, box) if len(overlaps) == 0 or overlaps.max() < thresh: neg_gids.append(gid) neg_boxes.append( return neg_gids, neg_boxes def _generate_abs(n): # Randomly choose images to generate boxes for chosen_gids = np.array(sorted(rng.choice(all_gids, size=n))) gid_to_nboxes = ub.dict_hist(chosen_gids) neg_gids = [] neg_boxes = [] for gid, nboxes in gid_to_nboxes.items(): qtree = self.qtrees[gid] scale = (qtree.width, qtree.height) anchors_ = np.array([window_size]) / np.array(scale) if np.any(anchors_ > 1.0): continue img_boxes = kwimage.Boxes.random( num=nboxes, scale=1.0, format='ltrb', anchors=anchors_, anchor_std=0, rng=rng) img_boxes = img_boxes.scale(scale) for box in img_boxes: # isect_aids, overlaps = self.ious(gid, box) isect_aids, overlaps = self.iooas(gid, box) if len(overlaps) == 0 or overlaps.max() < thresh: neg_gids.append(gid) neg_boxes.append( return neg_gids, neg_boxes if window_size is not None: _generate = _generate_abs elif anchors is not None: _generate = _generate_rel else: raise ValueError('must specify at least one window_size or anchors') if exact: # TODO: Dont attempt to sample negatives from images where the # positives cover more than a threshold percent. (Handle the case # of chip detections) factor = 2 # oversample factor if patience is None: patience = int(np.sqrt(num * 10) + 1) remaining_patience = patience timer = ub.Timer().tic() # Generate boxes until we have enough neg_gids, neg_boxes = _generate(n=int(num * factor)) n_tries = 1 for n_tries in it.count(n_tries): want = num - len(neg_boxes) if want <= 0: break extra_gids, extra_boxes = _generate(n=int(want * factor)) neg_gids.extend(extra_gids) neg_boxes.extend(extra_boxes) if len(neg_boxes) < num: # If we haven't found a significant number of boxes our # patience decreases (if the wall time is getting large) if len(extra_boxes) <= (num // 10) and timer.toc() > 1.0: remaining_patience -= 1 if remaining_patience == 0: break if len(neg_boxes) < num: # but throw an error if we don't make any progress message = ( 'Cannot make a negative sample with thresh={} ' 'in under {} tries. Found {} but need {}'.format( thresh, n_tries, len(neg_boxes), num)) if exact == 'warn': warnings.warn(message) else: raise Exception(message) print('n_tries = {!r}'.format(n_tries)) neg_gids = neg_gids[:num] neg_boxes = neg_boxes[:num] else: neg_gids, neg_boxes = _generate(n=num) neg_gids = np.array(neg_gids) neg_boxes = kwimage.Boxes(np.array(neg_boxes), 'ltrb') return neg_gids, neg_boxes
def _debug_index(self): from shapely.ops import cascaded_union def _to_shapely(boxes): from shapely.geometry import Polygon from kwimage.structs.boxes import _cat x1, y1, x2, y2 = boxes.to_ltrb(copy=False).components a = _cat([x1, y1]).tolist() b = _cat([x1, y2]).tolist() c = _cat([x2, y2]).tolist() d = _cat([x2, y1]).tolist() polygons = [Polygon(points) for points in zip(a, b, c, d, a)] return polygons for gid, qtree in self.qtrees.items(): boxes = kwimage.Boxes(np.array(list(qtree.aid_to_ltrb.values())), 'ltrb') polygons = _to_shapely(boxes) bounds = kwimage.Boxes([[0, 0, qtree.width, qtree.height]], 'ltrb') bounds = _to_shapely(bounds)[0] merged_polygon = cascaded_union(polygons) uncovered = (bounds - merged_polygon) print('uncovered.area = {!r}'.format(uncovered.area)) # plot these two polygons separately if 1: from descartes import PolygonPatch from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import kwplot kwplot.autompl() fig = plt.figure(gid) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.cla() # ax.add_patch( # PolygonPatch(bounds, alpha=0.5, zorder=2, fc='blue') # ) # ax.add_patch( # PolygonPatch(merged_polygon, alpha=0.5, zorder=2, fc='red') # ) ax.add_patch( PolygonPatch(uncovered, alpha=0.5, zorder=2, fc='green') ) ax.set_xlim(0, qtree.width) ax.set_ylim(0, qtree.height) ax.set_aspect(1) def _support(self, gid): qtree = self.qtrees[gid] support_boxes = kwimage.Boxes(list(qtree.aid_to_ltrb.values()), 'ltrb') return support_boxes