Source code for ndsampler.toydata

import numpy as np
from ndsampler import abstract_sampler
from ndsampler import category_tree
import networkx as nx
import kwarray
import kwimage

# Moved to kwcoco
from kwcoco.demo.toypatterns import CategoryPatterns
from kwcoco.demo.toydata import demodata_toy_img, demodata_toy_dset  # NOQA

[docs] class DynamicToySampler(abstract_sampler.AbstractSampler): """ Generates positive and negative samples on the fly. Note: Its probably more robust to generate a static fixed-size dataset with 'demodata_toy_dset' or `kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo`. However, if you need a sampler that dynamically generates toydata, this is for you. Ignore: >>> from ndsampler.toydata import * >>> self = DynamicToySampler() >>> window_dims = (96, 96) img, anns = self.load_positive(window_dims=window_dims) kwplot.autompl() kwplot.imshow(img['imdata']) img, anns = self.load_negative(window_dims=window_dims) kwplot.autompl() kwplot.imshow(img['imdata']) CommandLine: xdoctest -m ndsampler.toydata DynamicToySampler --show Example: >>> # Test that this sampler works with the dataset >>> from ndsampler.toydata import * >>> self = DynamicToySampler(1e3) >>> imgs = [self.load_positive()['im'] for _ in range(9)] >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> stacked = kwimage.stack_images_grid(imgs, overlap=-10) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(stacked) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ def __init__(self, n_positives=1e5, seed=None, gsize=(416, 416), categories=None): self.catpats = CategoryPatterns.coerce(categories) self.kp_catnames = self.catpats.kp_catnames self.cname_to_cid = { cat['name']: cat['id'] for cat in self.catpats } self.cname_to_cid['background'] = 0 self.cid_to_cname = { cid: cname for cname, cid in self.cname_to_cid.items() } graph = nx.DiGraph() graph.add_nodes_from(self.cname_to_cid.keys()) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, self.cname_to_cid, name='id') self.catgraph = category_tree.CategoryTree(graph) self.BACKGROUND_CLASS_ID = self.catgraph.node_to_id['background'] self._full_imgsize = gsize self._n_positives = int(n_positives) self._n_images = 50 self.seed = seed self.gray = True self._n_annots_pos = (1, 100) self._n_annots_neg = (0, 10) # self.catpats = CategoryPatterns.coerce(self.catpats) # fg_scale=fg_scale, fg_intensity=fg_intensity, rng=rng)
[docs] def load_item(self, index, pad=None, window_dims=None): """ Loads from positives and then negatives. """ if index < self._n_positives: sample = self.load_positive(index, pad=pad, window_dims=window_dims) else: index = index - self._n_positives sample = self.load_negative(index, pad=pad, window_dims=window_dims) return sample
def __len__(self): return self._n_positives * 2 def _depends(self): return [self._n_positives] @property def class_ids(self): return list(self.cid_to_cname.keys()) @property def n_positives(self): return self._n_positives @property def n_annots(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def n_images(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def image_ids(self): # All images are dummy images return list(range(10))
[docs] def lookup_class_name(self, class_id): return self.cid_to_cname[class_id]
[docs] def lookup_class_id(self, class_name): return self.cname_to_cid[class_name]
def _lookup_kpnames(self, class_id): cname = self.lookup_class_name(class_id) return self.catpats.cname_to_kp[cname] # if cname is not None: # return ['center'] @property def n_categories(self): return len(self.catpats) + 1
[docs] def preselect(self, n_pos=None, n_neg=None, neg_to_pos_ratio=None, window_dims=None, rng=None, verbose=0): n_pos = self._n_positives if n_neg is None: n_neg = int(n_pos * neg_to_pos_ratio) if verbose: print('no need to presample dynamic sampler') return n_pos, n_neg
[docs] def load_image(self, image_id=None, rng=None): img, anns = self.load_image_with_annots(image_id=image_id, rng=rng) return img['imdata']
[docs] def load_image_with_annots(self, image_id=None, rng=None): """ Returns a random image and its annotations """ if image_id is not None and self.seed is not None: rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(self.seed * len(self) + image_id) rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) img, anns = demodata_toy_img(gsize=self._full_imgsize, categories=self.catpats, gray=self.gray, rng=rng, n_annots=(0, 10)) _node_to_id = self.catgraph.node_to_id img['id'] = int(rng.rand() * self._n_images) img['file_name'] = '{}.png'.format(img['id']) for ann in anns: ann['category_id'] = _node_to_id[ann['category_name']] return img, anns
[docs] def load_sample(self, tr, pad=None, window_dims=None): raise NotImplementedError
def _load_toy_sample(self, window_dims, pad, rng, centerobj, n_annots): rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) gid = int(rng.rand() * 500) # guuid = ub.hash_data(rng) if window_dims is None: window_dims = self._full_imgsize[::-1] gsize = np.array(window_dims[::-1]) if pad is not None: gsize += 2 * np.array(pad[::-1]) img, anns = demodata_toy_img(gsize=gsize, rng=rng, categories=self.catpats, gray=self.gray, centerobj=centerobj, n_annots=n_annots) im = img['imdata'] if centerobj == 'neg': cid = self.BACKGROUND_CLASS_ID aid = -1 else: ann = anns[0] cname = ann['category_name'] cid = self.cname_to_cid[cname] aid = 1 tr_ = { 'aid': aid, # 'gid': guuid, # 'id': gid, 'gid': gid, 'rel_cx': gsize[0] / 2, 'rel_cy': gsize[1] / 2, 'cx': gsize[0] / 2, 'cy': gsize[1] / 2, 'width': window_dims[1], 'height': window_dims[0], 'category_id': cid, } # Handle segmentations and keypoints if they exist sseg_list = [] kpts_list = [] kp_catnames = self.catpats.kp_catnames for ann in anns: coco_sseg = ann.get('segmentation', None) coco_kpts = ann.get('keypoints', None) if coco_kpts is not None: cid = self.lookup_class_id(ann['category_name']) # kpnames = self._lookup_kpnames(cid) rel_points = kwimage.Points._from_coco(coco_kpts, classes=kp_catnames) # coco_xyf = np.array(coco_kpts).reshape(-1, 3) # flags = (coco_xyf.T[2] > 0) # xy_pts = coco_xyf[flags, 0:2] # kpnames = list(ub.compress(kpnames, flags)) # kp_class_idxs = np.array([kp_catnames.index(n) for n in kpnames]) # rel_points = kwimage.Points(xy=xy_pts, # class_idxs=kp_class_idxs, # classes=kp_catnames) else: rel_points = None if coco_sseg is not None: # TODO: implement MultiPolygon coerce instead data_dims = gsize[::-1] abs_sseg = kwimage.Mask.coerce(coco_sseg, dims=data_dims) rel_sseg = abs_sseg.to_multi_polygon() else: rel_sseg = None kpts_list.append(rel_points) sseg_list.append(rel_sseg) rel_ssegs = kwimage.PolygonList(sseg_list) rel_kpts = kwimage.PolygonList(kpts_list) rel_kpts.meta['classes'] = self.catpats.kp_catnames rel_boxes = kwimage.Boxes([a['bbox'] for a in anns], 'xywh').to_cxywh() annots = { 'aids': np.arange(len(anns)), 'cids': np.array([self.lookup_class_id(a['category_name']) for a in anns]), 'rel_cxywh':, 'rel_boxes': rel_boxes, 'rel_kpts': rel_kpts, 'rel_ssegs': rel_ssegs, } # TODO: if window_dims was None, then crop the image to the size of the # annotation and remove non-visible other annots! sample = {'im': im, 'target': tr_, 'annots': annots} return sample
[docs] def load_positive(self, index=None, pad=None, window_dims=None, rng=None): """ Note: window_dims is height / width Example: >>> from ndsampler.toydata import * >>> self = DynamicToySampler(1e2) >>> sample = self.load_positive() >>> annots = sample['annots'] >>> assert len(annots['aids']) > 0 >>> assert len(annots['rel_cxywh']) == len(annots['aids']) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> # Draw box in relative sample context >>> kwplot.imshow(sample['im'], pnum=(1, 1, 1), fnum=1) >>> annots['rel_boxes'].translate([-.5, -.5]).draw() >>> annots['rel_ssegs'].draw(color='red', alpha=.6) >>> annots['rel_kpts'].draw(color='green', alpha=.8, radius=4) """ if index is not None and self.seed is not None: rng = self.seed * len(self) + index sample = self._load_toy_sample(window_dims, pad, rng, centerobj='pos', n_annots=self._n_annots_pos) return sample
[docs] def load_negative(self, index=None, pad=None, window_dims=None, rng=None): if index is not None and self.seed is not None: rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(self.seed * len(self) + index) sample = self._load_toy_sample(window_dims, pad, rng, centerobj='neg', n_annots=self._n_annots_neg) return sample