ndsampler.coco_regions module

Maintains information about groundtruth targets. Positives are specified explicitly, and negatives are mined.

The Targets class maintains the “Positive Population”.

A Positive is a bounding box that belongs to an image or video with a class label and potentially other attributes. Negatives are similar except they are boxes that do not significantly intersect positives. A pool of positives can also be selected from the population such that only a subset of data is used per epoch.

Cases to Handle:
  • [ ] Annotations are significantly smaller than images
    • Annotations are typically very far apart

    • Annotations can be clustered tightly together

    • Annotations are at massively different scales

  • [ ] Annotations are about the same size as the images

exception ndsampler.coco_regions.MissingNegativePool[source]

Bases: AssertionError

class ndsampler.coco_regions.Targets[source]

Bases: object

Abstract API

get_negative(index=None, rng=None)[source]
get_positive(index=None, rng=None)[source]
overlapping_aids(gid, box)[source]
preselect(n_pos=None, n_neg=None, neg_to_pos_ratio=None, window_dims=None, rng=None, verbose=0)[source]

Shuffle selection of positive and negative samples


[X] Basic, window around positive annotation algorithm [ ] Sliding window algorithm from bioharn

class ndsampler.coco_regions.CocoRegions(dset, workdir=None, verbose=1)[source]

Bases: Targets, HashIdentifiable, NiceRepr

Converts Coco-Style datasets into a table for efficient on-line work

Perhaps rename this class to regions, and then have targets be an attribute of regions.

  • dset (ndsampler.CocoAPI) – a dataset in coco format

  • workdir (PathLike) – a temporary directory where we can cache stuff

  • verbose (int) – verbosity level


>>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import *
>>> self = CocoRegions.demo()
>>> pos_tr = self.get_positive(rng=0)
>>> neg_tr = self.get_negative(rng=0)
>>> print(ub.urepr(pos_tr, precision=2))
>>> print(ub.urepr(neg_tr, precision=2))
property catgraph
property n_negatives
property n_positives
property n_samples
property class_ids
property image_ids
property n_annots
property n_images
property n_categories
classmethod demo()[source]
property isect_index

Lazy access to a disk-cached intersection index for this dataset

property targets

All viable positive annotations targets in a flat table.

The main idea is that this is the population of all positives that we could sample from. Often times we will simply use all of them.

This function takes a subset of annotations in the coco dataset that can be considered “viable” positives. We may subsample these futher, but this serves to collect the annotations that could feasibly be used by the network. Essentailly we remove annotations without bounding boxes. I’m not sure I 100% like the way this works though. Shouldn’t filtering be done before we even get here? Perhaps but perhaps not. This design needs a bit more thought.

property neg_anchors
overlapping_aids(gid, region, visible_thresh=0.0)[source]

Finds the other annotations in this image that overlap a region

  • gid (int) – image id

  • region (kwimage.Boxes) – bounding box

  • visible_thresh (float) – does not return annotations with visibility less than this threshold.


annotation ids

Return type:



Returns the segmentations corresponding to a set of annotation ids


>>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import *
>>> from ndsampler import coco_sampler
>>> self = coco_sampler.CocoSampler.demo().regions
>>> aids = [1, 2]
get_negative(index=None, rng=None)[source]

Get localization information for a negative region

  • index (int or None) – indexes into the current negative pool or if None returns a random negative

  • rng (RandomState) – used only if index is None


tr: target info dictionary

Return type:



xdoctest -m ndsampler.coco_regions CocoRegions.get_negative


>>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import *
>>> from ndsampler import coco_sampler
>>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0)
>>> self = coco_sampler.CocoSampler.demo().regions
>>> tr = self.get_negative(rng=rng)
>>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WANT
>>> assert 'category_id' in tr
>>> assert 'aid' in tr
>>> assert 'cx' in tr
>>> print(ub.urepr(tr, precision=2))
    'aid': -1,
    'category_id': 0,
    'cx': 190.71,
    'cy': 95.83,
    'gid': 1,
    'height': 140.00,
    'img_height': 600,
    'img_width': 600,
    'width': 68.00,
get_positive(index=None, rng=None)[source]

Get localization information for a positive region

  • index (int or None) – indexes into the current positive pool or if None returns a random negative

  • rng (RandomState) – used only if index is None


tr: target info dictionary

Return type:



>>> from ndsampler import coco_sampler
>>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0)
>>> self = coco_sampler.CocoSampler.demo().regions
>>> tr = self.get_positive(0, rng=rng)
>>> print(ub.urepr(tr, precision=2))
get_item(index, rng=None)[source]

Loads from positives and then negatives.

new_sample_grid(task, window_dims, window_overlap=0, **kwargs)[source]

New experimental method to replace preselect positives / negatives

  • task (str) – can be video_detection image_detection # video_classification # image_classification

  • **kwargs – passed to new_video_sample_grid or new_image_sample_grid


>>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import *
>>> from ndsampler import coco_sampler
>>> self = coco_sampler.CocoSampler.demo('vidshapes1').regions
>>> self.dset.conform()
>>> sample_grid = self.new_sample_grid('video_detection', window_dims=(2, 100, 100))

Transforms COCO box annotations into a tabular form

_ = xdev.profile_now(tabular_coco_targets)(dset)

ndsampler.coco_regions.select_positive_regions(targets, window_dims=(300, 300), thresh=0.0, rng=None, verbose=0)[source]

Reduce positive example redundency by selecting disparate positive samples


>>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import *
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8')
>>> targets = tabular_coco_targets(dset)
>>> window_dims = (300, 300)
>>> selected = select_positive_regions(targets, window_dims)
>>> print(len(selected))
>>> print(len(dset.anns))
ndsampler.coco_regions.new_video_sample_grid(dset, window_dims=None, window_overlap=0.0, space_dims=None, time_dim=None, classes_of_interest=None, ignore_coverage_thresh=0.6, negative_classes={'background', 'ignore'}, use_annots=True, legacy=True, verbose=1)[source]

Create a space time-grid to sample with



contains “targets”, and if use_annots=True then also

contains “positives_indexes” and “negatives_indexes” indicating which annotations contain positive/negative samples.

The “positives” and “negatives” lists are deprecated and will be removed.

Return type:



>>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral', num_frames=5)
>>> dset.conform()
>>> window_dims = (2, 224, 224)
>>> sample_grid = new_video_sample_grid(dset, window_dims)
>>> print('sample_grid = {}'.format(ub.urepr(sample_grid, nl=2)))
>>> # Now try to load a sample
>>> tr = sample_grid['positives'][0]
>>> import ndsampler
>>> sampler = ndsampler.CocoSampler(dset)
>>> tr_ = sampler._infer_target_attributes(tr)
>>> print('tr_ = {}'.format(ub.urepr(tr_, nl=1)))
>>> sample = sampler.load_sample(tr)
>>> assert sample['im'].shape == (2, 224, 224, 5)


>>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral', num_frames=5)
>>> dset.conform()
>>> window_dims = (2, 224, 224)
>>> sample_grid = new_video_sample_grid(dset, window_dims, use_annots=False)
ndsampler.coco_regions.new_image_sample_grid(dset, window_dims, window_overlap=0.0, classes_of_interest=None, ignore_coverage_thresh=0.6, negative_classes={'background', 'ignore'}, use_annots=True, legacy=True, verbose=1)[source]

Create a space time-grid to sample with



contains “targets”, and if use_annots=True then also

contains “positives_indexes” and “negatives_indexes” indicating which annotations contain positive/negative samples.

The “positives” and “negatives” lists are deprecated and will be removed.

Return type:



>>> from ndsampler.coco_regions import *  # NOQA
>>> import kwcoco
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('shapes8')
>>> dset = kwcoco.CocoDataset.demo('vidshapes8-multispectral')
>>> window_dims = (224, 224)
>>> sample_grid1 = new_image_sample_grid(dset, window_dims, use_annots=False)
>>> sample_grid = new_image_sample_grid(dset, window_dims)
>>> # Now try to load a sample
>>> idx = sample_grid['positives_indexes'][0]
>>> tr = sample_grid['targets'][idx]
>>> import ndsampler
>>> sampler = ndsampler.CocoSampler(dset)
>>> tr['channels'] = '<all>'
>>> tr_ = sampler._infer_target_attributes(tr)
>>> print('tr_ = {}'.format(ub.urepr(tr_, nl=1)))
>>> sample = sampler.load_sample(tr)
>>> assert sample['im'].shape == (224, 224, 5)